I may go so far as to say that this fall’s television schedule was less than exciting. Aside from some neat surprises in that of Fringe and Sanctuary, most of the new shows were pretty boring and of course there are my favorites that either haven’t come back yet or are yet to make their season debut. As for the former, I won’t even get into the whole Jericho argument. It’s not that it’s old and done, but it’s old and done.
I am excited for a few shows that will begin airing in the next few weeks. I just finished watching season 4 of LOST and I thought it was as thought-provoking as ever and I’m pretty excited to see where they can go with a full season. Additionally, I like the direction of 24 and thought that Redemption gave us a glimpse of the old "Jack." And finally, it is with excitement and some sadness that I think about the last remaining episodes of Battlestar Galactica. I don’t know how many episodes that are planning to air, but SciFi is going to take a big hit without viewers having this and the Stargate franchise to look forward to. Yes, I know that Caprica and Stargate Universe are in the cards, but they’re both untested and unseen. Only time will tell.