For most, summer is the time when they flock to the theaters to see blockbuster films every weekend, but me, it’s when I catch up on the seasons of television shows I’ve missed over the past year. Some shows I’ve heard about and want to try out and others I just didn’t have the time to watch and thus put them in the Netflix queue and await their arrival. It’s not that I watch more TV in the summer ‘cause I probably watch less, but I do tend to stay up a little later night, especially if the episodes of a particular show are really good or a storyline has really grabbed me. Besides, we know that network television is either on hiatus or just bad and thus The Deadliest Catch is the only regularly scheduled summer show I watch. With that now over, I’ve got season one of Criminal Minds coming in the mail. I got a few episodes of this show in the past two years and thought I would give it an honest try from the beginning. I like the writing and intelligence of the show, but always found the time slot to be hard to watch and never was able to get into it. Given that AJ Cook is one of my favorite actresses, you’d think the opposite would be the case, but perhaps we’ll chalk that up to better late than never. Finally, I have to at least mention a show that I’ve long been a fan of and admittedly had pretty much given up on last year. The Dead Zone was a show I used to watch every Sunday night along with The 4400, but after five seasons, I grew increasingly tired of the show and was also saddened by the departure of one of the show’s main characters. Knowing that season five had really gone away from the original premise, I wasn’t expecting all that much from the sixth and final season, but decided to give it a shot anyway. I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised with the storylines, the production, and the acting. I truly thought that with the end of the show’s run already decided, that it would have been a poor production, but in 13 episodes they were able to tie up five years worth of loose ends and do it in a respectful way. This is a show that I am sad to see go, but am pleased that I took a final chance on.
So what is it that makes dead Zone really worth another look. Because, like you, i'd given up on it.
p.s. a few paragraphs would be easier on my old eyes ;)
Don't think either of these shows have been screened here in the UK, but the dead zone sound interesting. I tend to watch sci fi and horror shows.
I love summer TV because USA and a few other networks do have original programming, but the one thing about summer that I DON'T like is the re-runs of SNL. I'm addicted to SNL and I record them all anyway, so summer is more of a bummer for me. The Dead Zone is worth catching up on, though.
I'm lucky if I get into the room with our TV LOL! I have a few favorites, nothing you've listed - but to each his own :)
I also agree with rattitude, breaking up your writing into smaller paragraphs would be a whole lot easier on the eyes :)
Totally unfamiliar with The Dead Zone, but the title doesn't sound too exciting to me.
Why have I never heard of The Dead Zone before? I do the same thing over the summer...getting caught up on the things I missed during the regular season.
We watch a lot of the same shows. You have good taste :)
I personally find it difficult to follow TV series. I'm too impatient to watch anything more than 2hours. I just want to get to the end of the story if possible in less than 60minutes.
It is interesting how different people have different taste. I guess it is part of what makes the earth an interesting place. Cheers.
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