Every spring there are casualties of television ratings. This is much more the case for shows on larger networks that need to win the sweeps season after season. While the smaller networks can afford to take risks on shows that draw moderate ratings, networks like CBS need to sustain such high ratings that shows that outperform 80% of all the other shows out there, will find themselves cut.
The above was the case with Jericho a few years back after the show averaged over 7 million viewers in a tough time slot. Fans were outraged and CBS brought the show back for a short second season, but the damage was done. Advertising investors had already lost confidence in the time slot and with no spike in viewers, the show was gone for good, well, at least until the move comes out.
Now after four seasons of always being on the edge of being cut, CBS has cancelled The Unit. Praised by critics as one of the most thought-provoking and best series on television, 10 millions viewers wasn’t enough for CBS and The Unit it gone. There will be no bags of peanuts or public outrage – the audience is different from Jericho, but the loss of The Unit is a real loss for well-scripted television and its’ cancellation is sad for those who just love a good show to lose themselves in.
The Unit was the only time I returned to CBS to watch programming since they cancelled Jericho. Now they have nothing but NCIS and I will watch that On Demand with no advertisements as I have this season.
I am sorry to see The Unit cancelled but knew it was coming...They moved it to Sundays at 10:00PM and then consistently replaced it week after week with other programs. CBS is like a death squad for great television.
Thanks to the cast and crew of The Unit for great performances that my family never missed. Your show will always be remembered...
there's a petition to save The Unit, http://www.thepetitionsite.com/6/save-the-unit .
any "Unit" fans, please take a few minutes to sign it.
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