Is it unreasonable that I have an Oscar favorite for Best Actor and I haven’t even seen the movie? How about the fact I have a favorite for Best Picture and I haven’t seen that movie either? Well, suffice to say, I haven’t been to the theaters all that much this past year, but even it I had, it’s unlikely that I would have seen The Wrestler or Milk. Sure, I could have seen them recently, but for some reason, most Oscar-worthy films become Oscar-worthy before they even hit the screens.
I know I would like to see movies having been released for a certain period of time before being able to be nominated for Oscars. Granted, Oscar winners are often times movies that have smaller ticket sales than summer blockbusters. With the exception of The Dark Knight, which got snubbed in almost every category except for one, this years choices have a decidedly indy feel to them.
All that being said, I truly hope that Mickey Rourke gets the nod for The Wrestler and Milk wins for Best Picture. I see Rourke as the ultimate underdog and having seen a documentary about Harvey Milk several years ago, his story is exceptional. Perhaps you ask why I wouldn’t choose Sean Penn and quite frankly I think he’s the biggest competition for Rourke, but aside from his early roles, I think that Penn is an ass. The same could be said for Rourke, but with both perception is key.
Ha - I wrote a review of 'The Wrestler' after seeing only the trailer! It was awesome - the trailer I mean, not my review - LOL.
Actually, I haven't seen any of the nominations in any of the categories, but I'm rooting for the underdog too :)
it's 24 feb we all know who
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