North Coast Pets has exclusive supplies like the Furminator, which is a great de-shedding tool that can be used for dogs or cats. You’ll save time, money, and you won’t have hair all over your furniture.
More important than how we are affected by our animals, is their health and unlike your local pet box store, North Coast Pets has all the information you need to prepare a great diet for you dogs and cats that will keep them healthier and happier. You’ve probably never heard of BARF, but I assure you it has nothing to do with vomiting, but rather a biologically appropriate raw food diet. My folks started using a diet like this years ago for their standard poodle and I was amazed at how much she loved it.
So whether you need the best and latest in home grooming supplies or want to find a diet solution that the pet stores can’t match, North Coast Pets is where you want to go!

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